The React Show

A podcast focused on React, programming in general, and the intersection of programming and the rest of the world. Come join us on this journey.



[95] How To Build Secure React Apps

In this episode, delve into the world of web application security and discover practical insights to safeguard your code. Join Thomas as they discuss common threats like SQL injection, cross-site scripting,...

[71] Testing & useEffect: Porting RN App to Web

What is it like to port a React Native app to React for Web? In this episode we join Thomas on a journey to do just that. Along the way we discuss how testing and useEffect are possibly the worst parts about...

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[68] How I Built My Own React

Have you ever wondered how React works internally? Or what happens when React “renders”? I did and embarked on a journey to build my own version of React and dive deep into the source code of React itself to...

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[67] FAQ on Typescript and Svelte

Is Typescript really that important? Should you use it? Do I use it? Also, I recently got back into Svelte and share my thoughts on the experience and how it compares to React.LinksPatreonMy Book -...

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[66] Thinking in React

How do you “think in React”? If you can think in React you’ll be able to build React applications quicker, easier, and in a more robust manner. But where does one start? What is the best method for building...

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[65] How Decentralized is Crypto, Really?

It's time to do a design analysis of cryptocurrencies and the technology they are built upon: blockchains. What are the design characteristics of cryptocurrencies and what problems are they good at solving?...

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[62] Your Boss Is Wrong and How Slow Is React?

Are you more often correct than your boss? And what does that matter? Also, we have some fun experimenting with the performance of React compared to vanilla JavaScript and discuss why it does or does not...

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[60] React FAQ

FAQ on React!Twitter - The React ShowEdited by: The Podcast EditorPodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal Podcast Guests and Hosts For InterviewsSupport the show

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[59] Remix: As "Fast as Instant"?

We're finally going to dive into Remix and see what it's all about and if you should give it a try!Twitter - The React ShowEdited by: The Podcast EditorRemixPodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal...

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[58] Noobs vs Experts; with Kyle VerHoef

Are you the expert on your team and struggle to get things done with a constant barrage of questions lobbed at you? Or are you new and unsure what you should ask others and when? In this episode we try to...

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[57] Oops I Built The Wrong Thing

What do you do when you built the wrong feature or product? When your boss or client is upset?LinksReact Native EU ConferenceReact Finland ConferenceReact India ConferenceReact Alicante...

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[56] A New React Compiler!

Twitter - The React ShowEdited by: The Podcast EditorReact Conf talk by Xuan HuangJoy UITanStack Query 4PodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal Podcast Guests and Hosts For InterviewsSupport the show

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[54] Security From Unintentional Abusers

What do you do when your users accidentally or even purposefully abuse your service or app? LinksTwitter - The React ShowZag.jsNext.js 12.2Edited by The Podcast EditorMusic by prazkhanalNews Music by...

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[53] How to Start a New Project

Or at least my method to starting and following through!Foundations of High Performance ReactPodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal Podcast Guests and Hosts For InterviewsSupport the show

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[52] How I Became Good at React in a Month

I became an expert in React in about a month! But that's not the whole story. This episode details my journey to React and how I'm able to learn quickly.My Book - Foundations of High Performance...

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[51] Dan Abramov's Updated React Guide

Dan Abramov has an updated Beta React Effects Guide. In this episode we go through and see what the designers of React think about effects and how to correctly use them in React 18 and we take a look at user...

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[48] The Secrets of React Routing

Twitter: @TheReactShowFoundations of High Performance React 30% off with code REACTSHOW on LeanpubWhat actually is routing in React? In this episode we look at what React routing is, and how it can be used...

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[47] How To Make Bad React Code Good

LinksTwitter - The React ShowYouTubeFoundations of High Performance ReactPodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal Podcast Guests and Hosts For InterviewsSupport the show

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[44] Why React Should Die

Is React the final answer? Is it possible today to take React’s shortcomings to create something better than React?LinksTwitter Owl CreekTwitter Thomas HintzYouTubePodMatchPodMatch Automatically Matches Ideal...

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[43] How JavaScript Actually Executes

How does the JavaScript that powers your React app actually get run in the browser? How does React take advantage of the browser execution model? In this episode we talk about what actually happens when your...

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[42] What's the Hype about Shopify Hydrogen?

As new technology emerges in your technical stack, it’s important to not only learn them in theory, but to find practical ways to implement the knowledge you’re learning. You could either spend your time...

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[39] Taking the Pain Out of Forms in React

In any application, not just Javascript based ones, user input is one of the foundational pieces for user interaction with the application, the server, and with others across the web. In order to capture user...

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[32] How To Stop Wasting Your Time

A lot of us end up wasting a lot of time doing repetitive tasks. But we also worry that learning a new scripting language or keyboard shortcuts will be more work than it’s worth. In this episode we discuss a...

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[30] Why You Need To Check Software Licenses

You probably know that software licenses exist, but do you know what implications they can have on your business or project? Did you know not paying attention to them can be extremely costly? In this episode...

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[27] Refactoring Quickly, Safely, and Easily

Refactoring can be dangerous, to your program and to your health. In this episode we discuss techniques to enable safe and healthy refactoring methods.Show NotesStory time(Thomas) I used to have delusions of...

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[25] So, Where Do You Host Your React App?

Hosting can get overwhelming fast, because it isn’t just hosting anymore. You want something that is simple, fast, scalable, and reliable but you also want to spend your time coding and not fiddling with...

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[24] Is Your React App Killing The Planet?

Usually we are focused on adding new features, fixing bugs, and meeting deadlines, but what if the software we are building was also killing the planet? In this episode we’re going to take a look at the...

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[23] Better Routing in React with NextJS

Do you find React Router cumbersome or tedious to work with sometimes? Or are you just curious how routing could be done better? In this episode we take a look at how routing is done in NextJS. We discuss...

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[22] Debug Smarter in your React Apps

It can be tempting to take the lazy approach to debugging and just start trying things, but I believe there is a much better way. In this episode we take a look at a method that works well for ensuring your...

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[19] How software teams should be structured

Do you ever feel like you’re not being heard? Or everyone on the team is just making the code worse? Does everything feel sloppy? Is there a lot of miscommunication? In this episode we’re going to look at why...

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[18] How does React Render?

How does React actually render your components? When is it going to invoke your component’s render code and when is it not? How intelligent is the fabled React tree diffing algorithm? We’re going to take an...

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[17] How to become a better programmer

Ever feel like you aren’t as good as the programmer next to you? Or just curious and want to know how you can get better? And not just a little better, but to become really good at programming? In this...

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[16] Building Flows, Not Apps

The User Journey. A system used to define the interaction from acquisition to retention a user has with your web application. Our entire programming paradigm is built around discovering this journey, and then...

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[15] Why Hooks Suck

Hooks are all the rage in React these days but they actually have a pretty bad API design that leads to bugs and frustration. In this episode we will take a look at the design, discuss what makes it bad, why...

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[13] Best Component Library: Chakra UI?

There are many React component toolkits you can choose from, but one of the best is Chakra UI. In the words of Chakra UI: if you want to create accessible react apps with speed, choose Chakra UI. Chakra UI is...

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[12] Don't Get Blocked: A Better Way To Program

Ever gotten a huge mental block when programming and can't figure out how to move forward? Or maybe you planned everything out nicely but it turned in to a big mess? There is a better way to program that...

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[10] Ethical Dilemma

As programmers, what is our role in preventing unethical software from being developed? In this episode we discuss why it’s so important for programmers, especially, to formulate an ethical framework. Then we...

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[8] Next.js or create-react-app

Just getting started with React? Or maybe you have built React apps for years but want to learn a better way of creating React projects? Next.js is a React based framework designed to improve the developer...

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[7] You’re using useEffect Wrong

Yes, you are probably using useEffect wrong. useEffect is a powerful tool for hook based React components but it comes with many potential pitfalls and one widely abused feature that can lead to difficult to...

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[6] Driving React Forward

What will it take to drive React and the surrounding JavaScript ecosystem forward in a dramatic way? How much better can we make it in the next 20 years? In this episode we discuss major and fundamental...

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[5] React 18: FINALLY concurrent execution!

In this episode we talk about the upcoming React 18 release. This is a very exciting release, especially from a performance perspective, as it finally brings concurrent and interruptible rendering along with...

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[4] Finding and Fixing React Bottlenecks

Do you have a bottleneck in your React application? If so, we're going to discuss the best ways to find and solve it based on the principles I've outlined in my follow-up book to "Foundations of High...

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[2] Debugging React Apps - The React Show #2

Debugging can be extremely frustrating and time consuming, but it doesn't have to be. In this Q & A session we will talk about techniques to more efficiently debug React applications and how to do it without...

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[1] No MUI?? - The React Show #1

Should you use Material UI for your React component library or are there better alternatives? Join us as we discuss React component libraries for our first episode.Support the show

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